Friday, 22 February 2013

Performance bug in Crysis 3 first level

EDIT: Oh man, this post views number is nearly outnumber MaLDoHD 4.0 final version post. This post is fine but my mod is better than a Crysis 3 bug. So, for you that don't know what MaLDoHD is, try my mod for Crysis 2 :p

EDIT2: I find a configuration to play first level with stable framerate so I've tested next levels. SLI bits posted here was fine for first level but 0x000040F5 is better for next levels. I'm working in a new autoexec.


I am a maniac with the concept of "perfect experience". I can park two years a game I like if I think I can't enjoy it as it deserves. Sometimes it is due to lack of power, sometimes for lack of a patch that fixes a problem.

The first level of Crysis 3 has performance issues. Everyone has reported on the forums. Although I also know that next levels do not have this problem (do not know if they have others) I have preferred to find out what happens in the first level. I have also seen that the SLI profile in nvidia beta drivers that considerably improved performance for the multiplayer beta, does not perform as well in the final game. It's far better using 0x0C0320F5 value (at least in my case). I've been testing with unlocked cvars but did not draw anything conclusive. It is unfortunate that only a few are unlocked and although I could make the game detects a mod folder, it doesn't use the presets inside the "mods\modname\c3\CVarGroups" folder.

I have read people saying performance issues of the first level are a problem with glass windows, but it is a coincidence. The real problem are the moving ropes. Sounds weird, right?

Please Crytek, fix it.


  1. looks like the workload is not divided equally on all cpu threads

    1. I think a fixed update freq for ropes physics every two frames that was incorrectly linked to final framerate. If I disable vsync, the framerate is halved when ropes are moving.

    2. ¿Entonces puede que esto este afectando en realidad al rendimiento de todo el juego a todo material que use lo mismo? Eso explicaria esos ultra-bajones..

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  2. Great job MaLDo trying to track down the problem. is vsync causing more of these problems? Is it besdt just to run without vsync atm till they patch it? I play on an alienware x51 i7 3770 16 gigs ram nvidia gtx 660 oem and I run at 720 as I play on a 60" and 1080p vs 720p for gaming on a HDTV is impossible to see a difference, even 4-5 feet away as the 60" is at the foot of my bed. I am able to max out the game with max txaa with decent fps 35-60 prob 45 fps average. I think the trade off is better lower res max settings. I run every game on max setting at 1080p minus witcher 2 uber setting and crysis 3.

    I hope you decide to mod Crysis 3 as your work is great and if you dont work in the gaming industry you should. Ah yes wouldnt it be great for instead of devs using crappy devs to outsource the porting of their pc version, they had a company dedicated to porting and really taking advantage of pc. Wish every pc game was given the love and attention to detail as you do. If you applied for a job you would instantly get it as no one has a porfolio like this to show, not even real game devs.

    1. "I play on an alienware x51 i7 3770 16 gigs ram nvidia gtx 660 oem and I run at 720 as I play on a 60" and 1080p vs 720p for gaming on a HDTV is impossible to see a difference, even 4-5 feet away as the 60" is at the foot of my bed."

      I would go see an eye doctor if you cannot see the difference between 720p and 1080p gaming.

    2. "alienware" That's where he got me, my sides man my fucking sides.

    3. As a developer i can say that outsourcing the porting is often not a good solution...

    4. I love how he has a good CPU, a good amount of RAM, then the econo-GPU. Also..Alienware LOL. Just call it Dell, because they bought them years ago.

    5. 660 isn't exactly an econo GPU. Mid-range current gen sure. An economy gpu would be a non-starter in crysis 3. But yah. Alienware. Could have had a banging system for what that probably cost.

    6. The issue isn't the game lol.the issue is window color profile.sadly all of them have have issue.algycms version of srgb seems to be closest to doing good.the short of it is a lot of stuff have bug and srgb most of the tolime cause these hasn't notice (or select not to,example universal time just took them 10 year to fix it.anyway find everything that would need to interact with srgb and you LL find your problem.the trouble is ms and hp left too much space for is at least 16 or 17 srgb version.(Fuji being the newest (beta)

    7. Windows Color Profile?! What?! WTF are you going on about?

  3. Crytek are fools for not hiring Maldo to get the job done right.

  4. I have Radeon 6870/Intel Core i5-3570/8GB DDR3 and my framerate on low detail at 1080p is 30-60.. Terrible optimalization.

    Crysis 2 with MaLDoHD mod works a lot of better. In 1080p on DX9 i have 45-60 FPS with max settings.

    1. Your Radeon 6870 was a mid-range/budget graphics card... back in 2010. I have no clue why you're complaining.

    2. He is above minimum requirements and can't play on lowest. That is the fault of the game, not the GPU.

    3. Try updating drivers or install the Crysis 3 update. As my seemingly lower-specced system seems to hold on around 40/50ish frames per second on medium-detail.

      My specifications:
      Intel Core 2 Quad 9450 @ 2.66Ghz (Stock)
      AMD Radeon 6870 1GB VRAM @ Stock
      4GB DDR2-800 @ 800Mhz

      I have played the game from start till the end. Had no framerate issues whatsoever. Actually expected a whole lot of shit when reading stories on the Internet about Crysis 3. So I was pleasantly suprised that my old system could still run crysis 3 so good.

    4. "Your Radeon 6870 was a mid-range/budget graphics card... back in 2010. I have no clue why you're complaining"

      I ran Crysis 3 on a 5770 on high settings with fewer problems. I don't think it's the level of his GPU at fault. My GF has an Nvidia 560 and runs the game on highest settings with less trouble than that guy made out.

      I'm sure it's more a problem with his drivers than the game itself.

  5. I seriously hope that Crytek take Maldo's work into consideration for Crisis next version. Crisis 2 with MaLDoHD mod has an outstanding visual quality, far better than Crisis 3.

  6. Hola Maldo! Te ha sucedido o tendrás alguna idea de a qué pueda deberse este problema? (googleando no he encontrado nada de info ni situaciones similares):
    En mi caso, a pesar de que en las opciones gráficas, el "texture resolution" lo coloco en "very high" (para lo cual me pide un reinicio), cuando vuelvo a iniciar el juego, SIEMPRE se queda en "high". Me resulta sencillamente imposible que el setting de "very high" se quede guardado =S

    1. We over here at the internet speak English.

    2. You don't seem to mind when MaLDo posts pics in a language other than English.

    3. "MaLDo" is Spanish, that's his native language, and I have already spoken with him before... You prick ¬¬

    4. "E SC", gracias por tu consejo, pero te comento que ya lo había intentado de ese modo, y no funcionó. Además, lo extraño es que sólo pase con las texturas =S

    5. Usas algun mod? Porque en crysis 1 con cualquier TOD se cambiaba solo al iniciar. Puede ser algo similar

  7. i was frustrated as i played first level. Had 60 FPS on the screen, but also some micro stuttering what made it unplayable.

    1. Micro stuttering is your hardware's fault, not the software.

    2. how is it hardware? my pc is good enough to run C2 just fine, but the stuttering is everywhere.

    3. Just google it. It's almost certainly your hardware.

    4. U think that u should run C3 fine just because u can run C2. Thats very hilarious. Thanks for making my day. Here is one for you. Just because you are not as ugly as frankenstein monster does not make you anywhere near Tom Cruise.

    5. "U think that u should run C3 fine just because u can run C2. Thats very hilarious. Thanks for making my day. Here is one for you. Just because you are not as ugly as frankenstein monster does not make you anywhere near Tom Cruise"

      Just quoting this for the inherent stupidity it contains.

      Crysis 3 actually runs better for me than Crysis 2 ever did.

      Also, micro-stuttering isn't ALWAYS hardware fault.

  8. Thanks Maldo, I am a moderator at Mycrysis and I linked this post to the devs - hopefully they will take a look into this. You should consider posting useful info like this over at mycrysis. btw any updates to your autoexec.cfg?

  9. Maldo,

    You should investigate the DXGI_DEVICE_REMOVED issue or try to put more emphasis on the issue to get it fixed. A lot of people are having it, no response from Crytek or AMD and people are saying it's because of too high OC of the GPU.

    That is stupid, are they telling us that almost everyone has a broken GPU???

    1. Thats not a broken GPU, its an overclock gpu issue

    2. It's NOT an overclock issue when there is NO overclock at all.

      It's the drivers man, no one had issues with 13.1 on AMD cards, but the performance was terrible. 13.2 had better performance but constant crashes of the driver.

      It's either Crytek's fault or AMD/Nvidia. I repeat, NOT an overclock issue...god, why do people even say that?

  10. Maldo... We need your expertise again. Walls are not tessellated trees are not being PAMD (pixel acurate thingy) there's only one tree that's using PAMD. There are some quite low textures and also the ground in levels aren't POMed. Well some are but some aren't and this should be fixed!

    1. Hardly any problems. Performance is the main concern.

    2. If you say "hardly any GRAPHICAL problems", then you haven't seen much of the game. Bricked walls aren't tessellated and trees aren't pixel accurate pomed like advertised in trailer. Ground on half of levels isn't POMed. Not to mention low textures in level 2 and so on...

    3. its even worse than "low textures" on level 2.. i was absolutely shocked when i dared looking at the ground.. almost worse that the crysis 2 vanilla textures eventhough they seem to be tesselated (or have POM) its so blurry i cant tell if it is sometimes.. and placed without any realism care. seems like they lacked of both time and money.. already waiting for next Maldo's piece of art ;)

  11. Maldo cual es el comando que has usado para dejar las cuerdas estáticas? bueno, si es que es un comando :P


  12. Great!

  13. Maldo, are you still using the cfg file from the beta you released?

    I tried using your SLI bits, but lol it creates several artifacts.

    I tried a few random commands (I knew what I was doing), but instead of increasing performance, I think I increased the load on the CPU, because my SLI scaling dropped to 66% with 48fps. Before with everything on medium its around 60fps.

  14. i hope this will be fixed i cant play this game on my 670 gtx smoothly -_-

    1. even a 690 gtx drops in the low 30fps a this point in the first level and the Dam (smaller drop). maybe my stock i7 2600k is the problem there but definitely frustrating.

      whats funny (in the first level)is when u arrive behind the very first enemy, fps drops like mad (facing the room through the window), and once u have killed him, the fps drop when looking in the same direction is far less important. as wierd as the rope movement causing drops..

    2. AA coverage in this game is extremely poor. There is literally no difference going from SMAA to 8x MSAA. Maldo, have you investigated this? It really breaks the immersion of the game for me.

  15. Great work to pick up on this

  16. on menu i get 2,900fps vsync off/custom very high settings. upon entering the level 1 fps drops @15-20 and with an average of 40fps lolol! too much fps drops. wtf.. oh btw maldohd's crysis2 graphics is far way better than this crysis3 to be honest.

  17. great work maldo.

  18. Maldo you are DA MAN ! :) I hope we get some crysis 3 mods soon to fix the issues :)

    I found something that helps performance alot, Helps CPU work better and mostly affects CPU bound configs but it also helps by like 8 fps even if you are not cpu bound. Best thing is it reduces input lag ALOT ! helped my playability alot on my laptop, can play with very high settings on most now :)

    Just try this app in the description of the video, dont bother with setting in game settings to this guys tho :P

  19. Hello? Maldo? You there? I'd like to see some replies to some of the questions thats being asked when you get some time bud.

    1. Hello Aaron, please send me an email because I can't find your questions.

  20. Thank's for your work on this game. Thank you.

  21. congrats dude you made in to Kotaku :D

  22. You have Kotaku to thank for your viewcounts in this blog post. Lol

  23. Thanks for posting this. I experience the exact same thing with 2x Radeon 7970 (Crossfire), Beta6 Drivers of Catalyst 13.2. Disabling Crossfire gives more stable framerates in the first level, even higher than with two GPUs! In the next levels, after entering "Welcome to the Jungle", everything is fine even with Crossfire.

    So, methinks, this is also a general problem of Multi-GPUs with Crysis 3. Sucks.

  24. I have this problem on all levels that have physics. I think that they are trying to do too much physics work on the CPU. I have a 680, and get 60fps when there are no/little physics. When the scene is physics, I get 40-45fps, I have heavy CPU (i5-2400) usage on all four cores, and my GPU is bottlenecked to only 60% usage.

    I hope this is patched, because I don't want to play this at 40fps if my graphics card can handle more.

  25. ncie share and tnx for info. You can check my crysis 3 review if you like :)

  26. And here I thought this was my pc only having issues on this level. I thought that I had put the graphics up to high. So I dropped down the shadows to medium and FSAA to 4X and that seemed to fix my lagging issues. But now, you guys are telling us this is the first level and issues in the game with proper optimization. Okay, Crytec needs o to resolve this. Makes me wonder how much more of this we will see later in the game.

  27. Crysis did this on purpose to ruin the framerate. I hope he finds the issues for the other levels before crytek comes in.

  28. is there a fix yet

  29. Looking foward for a fix, great work Maldo! Keep it up!

  30. Maldo got owned by crytek. He cant release the fix, but he released some crap on hyper threading and a modified cvar.

  31. Please Maldo take a look at the second level as well. I have the same problem with all the grass in it as the ropes issue. Its totaly unplayable as the performance jumps from 50fps to 15-25. I really think Crytek didnt test this game on many systems. I have GTX560.

  32. Its the same for me with the grass in the game. Especially the second level. The fps drop is about 30 or worse. I only have core 2 duo, but ive seen guys playing the game with stable fps on c2d 2.4ghz and i have E8400 oc to 3,75 Ghz. Gtx 560 and 3,4gb of ram(C3 never uses more than 2gb) Somethings wrong with the grass too i think.

  33. Its not just the ropes. Its almost all physics in the game. Tested it on 3 different pcs. with core 2 duo, i5 and i7. the drops are everywhere, only the later levels in the game (especially the last two) are running withou drops. Probably coz there is no vegetation and destructibles are rare.

  34. The spanish language inside the game looks just horrible.

  35. I have the same problem with my Nvidia GTX 680
    I also noticed that its the physicx causing the lag/fps drops
    I looked into the game settings and saw there was an option for "particles"
    But i couldn't disable it in the ingame settings
    So i went to the savegame/config location of the game
    In my case %:\User\Saved Games\Crysis3 and opened game.cfg with notepad
    Then i chenged this:
    sys_spec_Particles = 0
    and saved
    The game is much more playable and has a lot "less" lag and better performance
    i also disabled sys_spec_Shading = 0
    now its playable but still ...
    Its defenitly the physx
    Hope this will help some of you :D

  36. It's also the grass! Everything that moves, cause lag!

  37. shooting at the water or any wave in the water drops the fps

  38. Hey guys,

    There's an awesome FREE achievement tracker with guides to Crysis 3 on the App Store:

    Has all the achievements, you can toggle them yourself OR sync with XBox Live, looks pretty good!

  39. 7970 Ghz Edition Guys,

    We all know theres issue with Crysis 3 running on very high settings and maxed out SMAAx1.. There's one solution if you wana play it 60+ FPS on 1080p @60hz monitor with 1ms response time:

    1) Turn off the Vsync. OFF
    2) Everything on Very High settings except,
    3) Antialiasing settings to SMAA low to 1TX

    You'll thank me later, just cross the first mission... you will be sorted.

    you can also try this after 1st mission,

    1) Turn ON the Vsync. to ON
    2) Everything on Very High settings except,
    3) Antialiasing settings to SMAA low to 1TX

    to get between 58-60FPS Stable/ to be honest, if you have a 120hz Monitor it's like cutting hot knife on juicy cake!

    all the best!

  40. Here are a few patches that work on user comments and Crysis 3 to play with the cards that have support only directx 10 Crysis 3 dx10 patch Razor1911 v2.0 Crysis 3 dx10 patch Reloaded v1.2 NEW Crysis 3 dx10 patch Deviance v2.1 NEW Crysis 3 dx10 unofficial patch v1.6 Crysis 3 dx10 patch fix Skidrow v2.0 NEW

  41. Is Maldo's Ultra setting better than Crysis 3's default Very High in terms of image quality?

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  43. Hey I'm having some serious issues trying to download the MaLDoHDv4, I found the right link, and every time I download it all I get is some files with no setup to run the installer.. I have no idea what the hell I'm doing wrong so can someone help me out here.. my email is

  44. Guys download 100% working link of this game from here:

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