Monday, 8 October 2012


Here we go, BETA dudes!

Important things:

  • Before use this BETA, I recommend run Crysis 2, select standard Extreme graphics settings. Select DX9 or DX11 (I recommend DX11 for this mod, all changes have been made to shine in DX11). Select your resolution, you can use downsampling for better results. Disable HiRes Textures if you want save some memory or leave them turned on if you have a good amount of memory. Exit game.
  • Download, unrar, and execute MaLDoHD_C2_Setup to run installer.
  • Select your Crysis2 game root folder if installer can't find the path.
  • When installer finish, run Config Tool (shortcut in your desktop).
  • Please, I know you maybe have a super highend computer, but take a look to Recommended Settings in Config Tool. Mod has been tweaked for use those settings. You can add Reflections, Penumbra Shadows and those candy effects over Recommended Settings using checkboxes. I recommend you do NOT check Particles Shadows. If you miss some important graphic effect using this config, ask me using this blog before try standard Ultra preset. I want you can play this mod with higher framerate possible.
  • Don't use ingame graphics options. Using could break mod configuration.
  • Use DXOverrider or twice ALT+TAB to enable Triplebuffering. DX11 have Triplebuffering disabled by default. If you use multigpu you don't need it (remember to check Multigpu option in Config Tool in your case).
  • When you play the mod for the first time, you must start a new campaign or restart a level. Savegames from original levels checkpoints DON'T WORK. It's because this mod uses updated versions of maps and savegames have map info inside that don't match with the updated versions. Using old checkpoints from original maps in updated maps produces invisible objects and broken gameplay, so you can't resume your old campaign checkpoint. Start new campaign to play whole game or use Mod campaign menu for map selection. If you want reset your nanopoints, create a new profile.
  • Known issues: Maple tree leaves texture is not done. TOD changes are not finished (config tool option is disabled and some levels have edited TOD at this time), Reduced textures option is not finished (more reduced textures in final version) but you can use it, two marble textures in Terminal level are not finished. And some brick walls textures are finished but not applied.
  • If you find bugs you can post here. Write a new comment like "BUG: bug description". White elements, flickering, etc.
  • If someone reads a bug that he does not suffer, can add a reply in bug comment like "NOT IN MY SYSTEM: computer description."
  • If you have an "easy to implement" idea (add ammo crate in a place, remove ammo crate, add weapon, add a barrier for cover somewhere, etc) you can write a comment such as "SUGGESTION: idea description". If this petition gets some +1 replies I can include it in the final version.
  • I hope you enjoy this BETA.
  • It's possible that I will be some days offline.

To simplify the graphics configuration of the mod, whoever can follow these simple steps.

**Please, if you have problems with links, write a comment and if possible, an alternative site to upload the mod.**


Consider a donation if you like the mod

Torrent download:

(Old torrent deleted)

(Thank you michael fisher to upload)

Mediafire download:

Atomic Gamer download:



  2. ops este es mi 3ta vez que entro este dia en tu blog a la espera :v de algo nuevo :B valio la pena.

  3. love you long time :3
    but seriously I just orders a new geforce GTX 660 Ti only for your awesome mod(and HiRes textures for skyrim).

  4. I CANT WAIT!!!

  5. Thank you. My brain is fried. I hope it works.

    1. Is it better to use nvidias smart vsync or triplebuffered vsyne?

    2. Adaptive is better. Only because it is only used when your FPS goes above your monitors refresh rate thus NO taxi on the system.

  6. I think triplebuffer (twice alt+tab) is better in crysis 2. But you can try both.

  7. Why don't you just upload your files on a torrent tracker?

    1. Please, explain how to do it. I never used torrents. I need to sleep a bit now but I will do both tomorrow (mediafire and torrent).

    2. Torrent is the best choose for all of us!

  8. Dude, you're a god among men. May angels shower you with sweet meats and candy... or beer.

    Can't wait to download!!!

  9. Yaaay!! Now to find time for messing around with this mod. School is getting very busy for me. I guess I will enjoy it during the winter break. The bugs will get ironed out too.

    Thanks for the Christmas present Maldo <B

  10. this is awesome!!! congratulation!
    btw some guidelines for AMD cards would be nice
    @peoplewhowhined: see Maldo never dissapoints. just gotta be patient. technically it's still in the week.

  11. Is shones mod included in the maldo 4.0?

  12. Do your changes really degrade performance with Ultra that much?(Of course, I don't know all the changes you made either so I can't say) (Or is it just the same performance drop you would get before with 3.0 or Vanilla DX11

    I for one don't really care much about 60FPS in a cinematic game like Crysis where 30FPS works just fine for me. And I would rather have the extra IQ. ;p
    However, when I bought C2 at launch it was mostly for the multiplayer and I played at a capped 60FPS (or Capped 45fps with the then current DX9 extreme settings) and no Vsync to maximize responsiveness and to ensure no performance problems.(Outside of the broken things like Orbital strikes anyway)

    Thank you for all your hard work Maldo !!(And for adding the original AA options to the config tool)

    Really, I have no idea why Crytek hasn't hired you as their sole Texture guy haha. I can say without a doubt (IMHO) for a game aiming for realism, your textures are the best of all time.

    1. However, if I ever get a significantly stronger GPU I may play C2 with this @60FPS just for fun(Couldn't hurt!) with Ultra Settings.

      I just wish Nvidia made 6XX series cards without things like Power Boost and degraded Memory interface/bandwidth.

      My GTX460V1 Overclocked has just 10 GB/s less memory bandwidth than a GTX660Ti (Which has been proven to be it's Achilles Heel,3283.html)

    2. I have to plug second and third 480 gpus before a final crysis 2 playthrough. A confidence, I have not finished the game yet. Now is the time XD

      With one gpu and recommended settings @1080p and ultraAA, the performance is 45-60 fps. You can select Ultra if you want, of course. If you do it, please post the most important things you miss in recommended settings.

  13. Maldo you are the one! You killed crytec and her team with this release! And it's a beta! Nice work! No problem with Asus 285 GTX TOP! Everything is set to maximum, but tesselation and penumbra shadows!

  14. Can someone tell me, what are these "Penumbra shadows", and how much do they add to the overall game's visuals?

  15. Maldo, what are you using to create your installer? And are you using lzma compression to get the filesize minimized? Thanks

  16. ""Anonymous8 October 2012 16:28""

  17. Hi Maldo
    "Disable HiRes Textures if you want save some memory or leave them turned on if you have a good amount of memory."
    How much memory we must have to leave ingame HiRes Textures and what is the difference if we disable it ?
    Thanks !

  18. Still planned for today? Or delayed for finishing touches?

  19. we must be patient until Maldo reup the download links ;)

  20. Today. Here is 19:00 pm and I just leave work.

    1. The whole point of military time is so "PM" or "AM" don't have to be used :D

  21. hope the download links work this time

  22. I cant wait to test my Radeon 7950 3GB to see how much vram will this mod use.

  23. upload on torrent Maldo please move.........

  24. fak fak fak thx maldo!!! :D

  25. Guess its not happening today

  26. Is it uploaded anywhere yet?

  27. You people really pressuring MaLDo seriously need to chill and WAIT. It's rude unless you've donated a ton of money for his efforts.

  28. Thank you maldo,you are great!

  29. F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5...

  30. I have a 6970 ati and core i7 920 oced to 3.6, can i run recommended ? id love 30-60 fps

  31. OMG!! PLEASE..

  32. Can't wait! Seems so great!

  33. It's tomorrow!

  34. Goddamn I`m at work and I have to wait 8 hours or I have to find a good excuse.

  35. You have to seed the torrent first maldo, there are no seeds so no one can download it

    1. The mediafire links also don't work.

    2. works for me

    3. How I can seed it? But I see utorrent shows people downloading the file :S

    4. You see they download it yes, but with with no speed :P

    5. srry mediafire links work, it was a fault with my software IDM.

  36. Its Here!! donation on its way!

  37. Why are there 9 different installers? Forgive my ignorance?

  38. I'm getting a resolution error?

    1. Undefined resolution to be exact. The game launches in the crazy aspect ratio in Windowed mode, then when I go to change the resolution it just says "undefined resolution?"

    2. Yea. But not the EVAL version, I am running the full release version. I obtained it through special permissions through Microsoft and my school because of my field of study.

      And the games resolution runs fine without the MOD.

    3. Hmm, I couldn't tell ya then. I know I have that error anytime I try to run Crysis 2 in DX11, but I'm just running the Release Preview so it probably doesn't apply. Odd...

  39. ZAM, error when unrar? Config tool? Launching mod?

    1. The tiny screen only comes up once I launch the game, through the Maldo launcher. Then when I go to "resolution" under settings it says the screen resolution is undefined?

  40. ZAM, works fine without mod? Mod doesn't change resolution.

    1. Now it does it with both? I was just playing this game not more than 2 hours ago and it worked fine?! Could this be something with the downloads. Why is there 9 different links? DO I need all 9?

  41. not 9 installers but 9 rar parts when you extract them will have 1 installer

  42. Please, start game without mod to change resolution so I can know if it's mod fault. And then I'll go to die.

  43. I think the problem is when I extract the file in part 1 I get 2 errors. (7zip) The other files I get 3 errors.

    1. You have to download all parts. When you finished downloading, you have to put the cursor on part 1, right click and click on extract.

      Is it so hard :/?

  44. Everybody is getting unrar errors?

  45. You need to the torrent working.

  46. I'll tell you that asap my downloads are finished

  47. Unrar works fine, i have the mod now, but am at work now.

  48. Ok so :

    Mediafire Links are all OK : please check twice before saying they don't.

    I extracted the installer : NO CORRUPTED RAR FILES ERRORS for me (i used winrar)

    Now i'm going to install the mod ;)


  49. ZAM I am on Windows 8 and installed the mod (was working perfect before) and I have the same exact resolution error. I had it set to 1920x1080 before...when I launch through the mod it's in a super super tiny window and the in game options says resolution: undefined :/

    1. Is there maybe somewhere in the maldo configs where we can define a resolution? This would most likely fix it I think.

    2. Hi play2lose, please test this:

      Open mod app, check "accept eula", check "create shortcut in desktop" and then OK. Quit and back to windows.

      Then launch mod with desktop icon "Crysis 2 MaLDoHDv4".

    3. Hi David North, Crysis 2 without mod works without that problem?

  50. Ok, Windows 8 resolution problem is a problem in Crysis 2. Not my mod. You can see here:

    and here

    This post starts with a basic guide of how to run the mod. Number 2 is "Run the game before the mod". If windows 8 users follow this basic guide, they can see the problem is in the game.

    So, Crysis 2 DX11 don't work correctly in Windows 8 BETA.

  51. Hey MaLDo I appreciate the quick reply! I did see those threads however 1 user in there did state that DX11 windows 8 crysis 2 worked for him, and it actually was working for me too (I have Windows 8 RTM final version) It definitely was working before the mod, but I know it isn't your mods fault and that it is Windows 8 at fault. I'll try a few things and see if I can find a solution.

    1. Hi, Crysis 2 has a bug that launch game in window mode sometimes. Maybe this bug produces the undefined resolution in windows 8. Create shortcut to launch the mod directly from desktop. Then try launching with the shortcut without moving the mouse, using Enter key.

  52. BUG: Just a little flicker:

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Greenstream, that youtube video don't have my textures neither my maps. So, is it my mod?

      If afirmative, there is A BIG problem here.

    3. I play with the GOTY Editition of the Game, is that a problem? I hope i have just done something wrong with the installation. I will check this out now.

    4. Are you launching the mod through the config tool?

    5. Are you start a new campaign or using old checkpoints?

    6. I started a new Game, just to be sure. :)
      Look what i found:

    7. Textures in that screenshots are originals, no MaLDoHD. I don't know what's the problem.

    8. Can you see MaLDoHD 4.0 background in game menu?

    9. Look at the first three lines.. Its talking about some problems with loading textures.. Pretty sure, these are youre textures.. Not?
      No, i see a normal Background in the menu.
      I hope it is not a fail by me and i just trouble you for nothing.. o.O

    10. No, are .gfc (models) that don't exist in my mod. Can you try game without mod? thank you.

    11. How can i deinstall this mod? I don't know... :/

    12. Running Crysis 2 in the usual way. The mod is in a separated folder.

    13. Looks the same.
      I started the game with "Crysis2" in the bin32 folder, right? But i still see your Icon in my taskbar... Rightklick on it shows "Crysis2 MalDoHDv4".
      What other informations do you need?

    14. Sorry but you are doing something wrong. Original crysis2.exe in bin32 in unchanged, so can't show my icon. Maybe you have my mod running in the background. Reset your computer.

    15. See normal icon now. I will reinstall the Game and will try to install your mod after that.

  53. Now the program just crashes?

    1. I ran everything even in Win7 compatibility mode, and Crysis 2 just stops working after mod is installed. Also how do you remove the mod?

  54. I just ran the game and the mod in Windows 7, and after I installed the Mod the game just crashes. Worked fine, installed mod, game crashes at launch.

    1. Maybe you don't have enough memory. How many vram in your gpu?

    2. 4gb GTX 680.

    3. ZAM, three users have reported that mod works without problems. Sorry, there is some other problem in your case.

  55. So should i download mod and try,or w8 for fix??

  56. Hi Maldo ! It's Fabien

    i kept going testing !

    my system :
    core i5 2500k @ 4.7Ghz
    SLI Gtx 680
    Crysis 2 install on SSD
    Win7 64bits

    I follow your advices before install, applied recommended settings in the config utiliy tools (with reflection, penumbra shadows, ultra AA added and MultiGPU) and launched the game

    -NO problem of resolution
    -i Can see Maldo HD 4.0 in the menu
    -INGAME : Textures are proprely applied, i can compare with your screenshots and it was totally confirmed when i saw "Maldo stores" ;)
    -I double check ambulances like in the Youtube Video posted above : ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM for me, everything is fine, no flicker !!
    -NO crashing issues
    -Game runs smoothly at 60fps in 1920x1080

    1. OH MY GOD! THANK YOU!!!

      So much anxiety until your words. Do you like the floor newspapers? You are the first person in the world that can see them, I make that textures after yesterday uploading problems so I have not seen yet. XD

    2. By "the floor newspapers" you mean a floor entirely covered by newspapers or several different newspapers that we can found together on the road or in some buildings ?

      There are so many beautiful textures, i will need more runs to see everything ;)

      In the game, i'm just before getting the armor power



  57. hi Maldo, i'm testing your mod on my laptop. The game runs very well, no crash problems, no textures problems. Infact, i see all your work that's fantastic. I'll update you.
    Best regards,

    1. Madison Square map doesn't load, black screen.

    2. Yes, I fixed that problem yesterday, sorry. Was a problem in the final export from the editor.

  58. We need more Torrent-Users:)Gogogo!!

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. sorry, this really should have an edit function.

    Here is a torrent link. I'll keep it seeding until tomorrow. Please try and do a 1:1

    1. I'm using your torrent but we need more seeders.

    2. I just stopped a 3 of my folding rigs to get more seeds out there. That makes 4 computers up and seeding.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Getting some good speeds now.
      Will leave the computer on and seed all day and evening.
      Good availability now.

  62. Tried the mod and so far no problems with it.
    In fact, I will use this now to test my GPU overclocks as it is so intensive that it crashed when my vid card was overclocked. I tested with no overclock and no issues to report.

    This really makes Crysis 2 one, if not, the best looking game on PC (and that includes BF3)
    Well done!

  63. Ok ive followed the steps got everything install and used the recomended settings. However the short cut directly to the mod loads up the regular crysis 2 ultimate edition. I have to select the mod and it restarts. The maldo barcode is there so the mod appears to be working. how do you determine if the mod is working in game properly? also how do you go about changing graphical options without messing the mod up if i feel i can still enable higher options and maintain 60fps.

    1. I don't have Ultimate Edition, maybe that edition doesn't allow shortcut parameters and that's why direct run doesn't work.

      You can change graphics options using mod configurator. Rise global bar to Ultra or activate checks.

  64. OMG MALDO I WOULD GIVE YOU NOBEL PRIZE,this is so awesome,everything is on ultra max,and i just can't stop playing :ooo

  65. The Antialiasing setting doesn‘t work in MOD SDK...
    What’s the matter? T_T

    1. Your MOD is awesome!And my HD5870 run it well。

    2. How can the Antialiasing setting work in MOD SDK?
      I hate the original PostMSAA!

    3. Sorry, I don't understand your question. I have did this mod with mod sdk.

    4. Sorry,I'm a Japanese student and I am poor at English...
      I wonder how to use the antialiasing setting in mod sdk,such as SMAA.
      Thanks so much~

  66. Trying out a few levels. I tried central park and everything runs at 60fps. Starting a new campaign im getting 35 fps. Using 6950 crossfire what should i be getting on recomended.

  67. Does playing without the mod enabled affect the graphical settings when the mod is enabled?

  68. Yeah account suspended.... god damn and i only needed one more part :-(

    1. You can try with torrent. Or I can upload the missing part tonight.

  69. Maldo hi! I'm a fan of crysis and you! I have some issues with the beta and some others friends too! If you find some time fix the following:
    Stage one: When Alcatraz enters the city the moment he opens the door with his hands ther is no sun under the door while opening whitch is a beautifull effect. When he is looking outside the city there are some glintches. And last at the stage Semper Fi or Die there are no trees like the original and the landscape looks empty. Nice work though, you are the one. Sorry for the incovenience

    1. Please, can you take screenshots of those glitches outside the city. Thank you.

  70. ouch 2,5kbps download for the torrent...

    1. I'm uploading at 120kB/s at present, as BT throttle torrents, and will do until I go to bed tonight around 23:00 UK time.

    2. 1.2 MB/s now. I'm so good to you all. LOL !!

  71. Pls, can someone do an upload at =)

  72. I'm not getting very good performance. Crossfire 6950's @ 1080p reccomended settings framrate is eratic. Just out of curiosity in general how should i have CCC settings set. I never have understood how it works.

    1. Be sure to activate Triplebuffer with twice alt+TAB ingame. Try reduced tesselation too, I've read that AMD have problems with crysis 2 tesselation implementation.

    2. If you have bad framerate in some place, you can take screenshot.


  74. Maldo? Looks like the Mod need manual activation at the ultimate & the GOTY-Edition of the game. After reinstallation everything the mod still didnt worked with your Start-app. Manual activation works. You should put this info into your post, i think this could be helpfull. :)
    Game looks amazing now.
    Gtx 570 Gainward
    8GB ram
    Win7 64bit

    With recommend settings i have Framerates ~45

    Thank you for your help. :)

    1. Hi, I hope now you can see the difference with and without mod XD

      About Ultimate edition, is it running in steam? Maybe you can't use a direct link to crysis2.exe so can't use parameters. Then maybe a solution is using a "steam.exe -app XXXXX -[crysisparameters]". Is steam application?

    2. I realized i am using the Maximum-Edition, not the Goty-Edition, i don't know wheter there is a Goty-Edition. I just said Ultimate too, because this "Ok ive followed the steps got everything install and used the recomended settings. However the short cut directly to the mod loads up the regular crysis 2 ultimate edition. I have to select the mod and it restarts. The maldo barcode is there so the mod appears to be working." - Anonymous
      looks pretty much like my problem.
      Ultimate Edition is not running with Steam, Maximum is. I never experiment with the Steam starting procedure, so i don't understand your Solution. :)
      But if you explain it well, i will try for you.

    3. Oh, and i can see the difference now. It was a long time ago, since i started the game the last time, so i just thought that.. Nevermind, looks great now. :)

    4. Yes you need to activate/load the mod first via the mods section in the crysis 2 menu of the game.

      MODS section is under EXTRAS see sreenshot

  75. Released on my birthday. Coincidence? I think not!

  76. MaLDo,

    Can this be used with the BlackFire mod and if so do I have to re-run that to work or just load it from the mod section within Crysis 2 mod screen in-game.
    Have been playing a bit with it so far and it really rocks.
    i5 3570k o/c 4.2
    hd 6850 o/c 850/1150

    1. BlackFire can mix his mod with 4.0 if he wants. He knows how to do it. Since BlackFire and ShonE know how to integrate his mods I don't need integration. This way is easy to avoid crossed problems and no usable checkpoints every time you activate or deactivate mod integration options.

  77. How do i confirm triple buffer is on. When i Alt tab it takes me to desktop putting the game in window mode which turns off crossfire. Anybody with 6950 crossfire having framerate drops?

    1. If framerate drops are 60 -> 30 fps, Triplebuffer is OFF. If framerate drops are 60 -> 43, 60 -> 51, etc, then you have triplebuffer ON. In my case, framerate is very stable. With reduced config, is 60-56-60-58 more or less. With a high config, is 45-44-46-43 and so on (with one gpu).

  78. Maldo when i open your configuration utility and try to enter advenced config i get this error message:
    System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: '1' for Value is not valid. Value must be between 'Minimum' and 'Maximum'

  79. Hi Maldo, I don't know if someone already tell you, but I found some "problems".
    I played the two first level and I didn't seen anything wrong, just walking and watch your amazing work... I played more than one hour only for the first level :)
    Now I am at the FDR level and I see two bugs.
    First, a building :

    Then, when you going out, near a cell car, straight on the road, there are some stairs to going under, like a subway station, here miss some textures, there is no floor and no celling :

    Sorry for the bad quality, maybe it's time for me to learn how to make screeshot XD
    Hope you can fix it, if I see some other problems/bugs, I'll warn you.

    Thanks for your fantastic mod, I'll make a donation, I promess. This is an amazing work, and I understand why it toke you so much time... It's like if you made a new game, on your own ! I'm really admiring. Sorry for spelling mistakes.

    In a friendly way, Quentin.

    1. Loving the beta Maldo. However, having the same problem with the subway as well.

  80. how to activate BLACKFIRE mod with MALDO 4.0???

  81. Hi there

    The mod is running fine for me too.
    Changed from a 5870 to a XFX 7970 OC a few days ago so this mod is the right thing in the right place and time :)

    I play at constant 50 fps without any drops until now.
    Why 50? every Crysis game runs only 50Hz instead of 60. Why? I don’t know.

    So the only thing I am irritated about is the LOD of the trees. The change of the model wouldn't bother me but the change of the shadows (as an follow of this) is very ugly. How can I increases the LOD of vegetation?

    Here is an example


  82. Good afternnon Maldo here is a bug the map is gate keepers just near to plant the explosives for distraction for gould

    1. Thank you. Originally it had several dozens of such flickering in the curbs of that zone XD. Seems that now there is only one \o/. Good eye.

  83. P.s.: Is there any way to get rid of this green outlines around useable objects like kickable cars and so on?

  84. Map "MadisonSquare" doesnt load...

    1. Ops, important problem because works in editor. Rollback to original version means lose hundreds of fixes. :(

    2. I hope you get it under Control :), you can reproduce it?

  85. increible trabajo Maldo!
    hay un bug en la pared de la izquierda al principio del juego
    desde lejos el fondo se ve normal

    pero al acercarse el fondo cambia

    es un bug insignificante y pasa completamente desapercibido pero supuse que querrias saberlo

    pd: el juego no baja de los 50fps a 1080p con las opciones recomendadas en una gtx570 sin OC y con 1.2gb de vram.

    tremendo :)

  86. Works great for me! Looks better, the Ultra Antialiasing option works really well, too. My framerate is about the same as 3.0, and it looks like no more VRAM usage, too. I can't wait to try more levels :-)


  87. Maldo you can deincrease the amount of reduces texture.I got 1 gb and i can play almost normaly.In some place there is freeze gaming becouse the Vram.But is stil playble whit fxaa and sweet fx.So deincrese the value of reduced texture.

  88. Hello ! I quickly tried your mod (before going to sleep).

    I am using recommanded settings with penumbra, bokey DOF and Real Time Reflections.

    It turns around 30fps with my GTX460 OC 2gb, stable.

    It looks very good.

    I am just wondering if the Improved Tone Mapping is used in your mod.

    I'll test more tomorrow.

    Good night and good job. Waiting for the final version !

  89. oh come on guys, pls dont let me down ! i am @ 70% and nobody is uploading the Torrent any more :S

    I would love to try this sweet mod =)

  90. I was downloading from mediafire! I miss the parts 5 to 9!
    Up please!

  91. Hi MaLDo
    Can you implement a slider for AF in the next version of your config tool, because makes your textures look really ugly without AF.
    But I'm impressed that my GTX 570 with 1.25gb vram can save all your hard work.

  92. i set everything on ultra high and achieved about 30fps with my gtx660ti (indoors 60fps capped)
    with a bit of finetuning it should run just fine and with insanely good graphics thanks to you MaLDo

  93. MaLDo, Is there a way I can set your mod to use the Extreme setting for Shading? Shading is what bogs my game down the most out of the in-game settings. i always play with it set to Extreme instead of Ultra and achieve 60fps constantly in every scenario. With your mod I achieve 40fps in the first big area of the game, right after you see Prophet kill himself.

  94. Maldo, quiero comentarte que tengo problemas con la resolucion del juego, habia escuchado un comentario relasionado a Win8, que puedo hacer?

    Gracias y en verdad te has mandado con este ModV4


  95. Now THAT is a living, breathing, game world.

    I applaud you, maestro.

  96. I have taken some screenshots (via Steam) detailing 9 or 10 bugs on the disc-version of Crysis 2. They have been archived to my Steam account so you can have a look-see (C2 shots have been marked with "MaLDo"...


    1. Here's my specs, by the way (if it helps)

      Crysis 2 Game Edition: Standard/DVD-disc (linked to Origin)
      Processor: AMD Phenom II X6 1045T (2.7GHz, 6-core)
      RAM: Asint Tech (8GB)
      Graphics Card: NVIDIA/EVGA GeForce GTX 670 SC+ (4GB, PCI-E 2.0)
      Hard Drive: 1TB (493GB free)
      Primary Display: HP 2511x (1920x1080)
      Secondary Display: LG L227W (1680x1050)

    2. Hi Shockwave S08, very good eye. I wonder if you did a thorough analysis as to mod the game before XD, because there were thousands of these faults.

      I will fix all possible problems you reported, but there are some that are intrinsic to how the game works. For example:

      The line in the shadows can not be fixed. You can change the resolution of shadow values ​​or distances from each lod levels to hide it a little, but you will broke another part. Note that much more or less depends on the value of the shadow blur. Cvars are r_shadowjittering, e_gmsrange, e_gsmrangestep and e_ShadowsMaxTexRes, maybe you can play with them to see the results. I like to hide that line using a highest value for e_gsmrange, so the line goes further, but dissolve some nearby shadows.

      With reflections is the same. The game calculates false reflections using the pixels of screen, so can not reflect that which is not seen on screen, for example what you are hidding with the gun.

      The parallax glitches occur when applied at specific angles geometry. In the original game there are many cases and I've tried to minimize, but sometimes you can not. The worst case is in the level "Dead Man Walking" in the square with red blooms on the floor. The solution is to deactivate the Parallax or use a new element to cover that section. In FDR level rails that samples surely put an object to cover the defect.

      Bricks tessellation in Batterypark can not be fixed. Being applied in an arc-shaped wall, the arc cuts bricks at all heights, there is not a texture that solves the problem. The only solution would have been to have a piece of metal or wood that will take the brunt and then hidding the edges of the bricks.

      Thank you for your reports. I will use the info carefully.

    3. Please, can you explain me the bug #10? I don't understand very well. The next level doesn't load? Thank you.

  97. How do you activate this mod and Quality mod at the same time? Whenever I activate in-game it deactivates the other mod. How do you do it?

    Also, can you do it via shortcut? I tried the following but it didn't work.

    Crysis2.exe" -mod MaLDoHDv4 + mod qmod

    1. You can have only one mod active at a time. Just wait for QMod's author to do an integration with MaLDoHDv4 somewhere down the line, and save yourself the frustration of having to code in the necessary scripts yourself.

    2. Ah, that's a shame. Thanks!

  98. Good sir Maldo i love you.

  99. My Specs

    2x AMD/ATI 5870's asus matrix p
    OC'd 5% maybe, 4GB Graphics RAM

    AMD 8150
    OC'd - 4GHz

    MOBO - gigabyte 990FXA-UD7
    OC'd and Tweaked to be stable for 24/7 use

    Every thing cranked up for max picture quality. DOF and vignette turned off (personal choice in taste.)

    I played the first two levels and part of the third. No problems so far. Fairly steady frame rate. says AVG: 43, fluctuates between 32-40.

    I have not noticed any glitches either or anything out of the ordinary. I will continue to post results if need be.

    MaLDo, again, thanks for all of your hard work, dedication and passion. Also, thanks for the SweetFX integration. That was a treat and then you got FXAA to work perfectly with it. The game looks beautiful. Awesome work! Cheers from Miami.

  100. I have encountered only small issues with the game.
    One is that if I turn the camera around somewhat fast some of the object are just starting to load in the game and they pop into the game with a white flash.
    Here is a video I upload to demonstrate that issue.

    Also is the game supposed to have this noise filter effect in it?
    Is there a way to disable it?
    Here is a screenshot to show what I am talking about.

    I also noticed the light on the tip of some guns look weird if I even barely move the camera like this.

    And I was wondering if you were going to change the cracked glass texture because it just looks weird where one part of the window is perfectly fine and then suddenly it's all cracked.
    A screenshot for that too.

    I also noticed some clipping LOD textures in some areas but only took a screenshot of this one.
    This is right in front of the build where you first get your Nano Suit scanned.

    Haven't noticed anything else yet.
    Great work on the mod I appreciate it.

    Game ran fine even with close to max settings.

    Tried it on a Phenom II x4 965 + GTX 570
    And an i5 2500k + GTX 680

    The GTX 570 build ran it anywhere from 38-60fps with usually an average of 48 fps.
    The GTX 680 build usually maintain a steady 60fps with some slight dips.

    1. About the video, that's automatic geometry occlusion. Game hides the geometry that is not showed, and sometimes is not fast enough to draw that geometry when is necessary. That lag depends of framerate, how many objects, and memory usage. I can't solve because is the way the game works. Maybe tweaking with automatic occlusion cvars but then will affect performance. I will look a bit XD

      That noise effect is level related. I think I can reduce it a bit but is a design decision for that raining level.

      That blur bug in the weapon light is because the precision of the shader. If you select the highest value in Config Tool for "Depth of field" you fix that problem.

      The broken glass in Dead man walking is a different material. I have tweaked a bit from original glass. Do you like more the original? Maybe I can delete completely that broken section and the result is less disturbing.

      That terrain visible in last screenshots is easyly fixable. Thank you.

    2. I have this issue too, still in fdr level lol

      And I saw something, only in the first level, it's about the ironsight of the scarab. There is white line on the sight, to measure like a rule, when I turn look around and turn the camera, the white lines disapear a little moment, then appear again, and disapear again when the camera turns. There is this problem at specific moment, I mean for exemple, if I look on a car, the lines are still there, but if I look just on the right, they disapear, when I go back on the cars, the lines come back. It's only at some moments and at some directions, not always.
      Maybe the bug was here before, I just never notice it.

      I'll right to you if I note other problems :)
      Anyway, with your mod, this is a real new great game experience !

  101. HI Maldo. I want to upload the 3 issues i found and i don't konw how. How can I upload screenshots? Any help is good! thanks!

  102. Comentario 200!!! increíble la repercusión del mod jejeje, felicidades lo esperaba desde hace mucho tiempo , ya que había probado los anteriores, impecable, funciona perfecto y hace que el juego a día de hoy sea el mejor en gráficos y muy optimizado. Felicidades!! YOu are the best!!!

  103. I noticed the windows are not acting as mirror.

    The reflections are false, looking in a window shows a fake reflection of things and area's that are not there.

    So I asume the realtime reflections option does not work
    (unless I completly misunderstood what this option is supposed to do)

  104. I noticed the window reflections do not reflect real time like mirror. Instead some fake reflection is shown of different things and a different area.

    So I assume the realtime reflections option is not working.

    (Or I completly misunderstood the purpose of this option in the configuaration utility)

    1. ScreenSpaceReflections is the effect controlled by that option. This effect, was applied in the DX11 patch. Crysis 2 has a lot of cubemaps effects (not realtime reflections) that are not affected by Real time reflections. Both effect can live together. Every puddle or window has a baked cubemap. And doesn't disappear when you activate real time reflections. Realtime reflections affects every object with high specular value, independently of cubemaps.

  105. Hi Maldho!

    First of all, thank you for sharing your work with all of us.

    Just one questin for the moment :

    Do we have to unistall your previous mod before installing the new one?

